Taikai Village Parties

Learning about your personal history and heritage not only helps you understand who you are but also the people around you. You have a greater understanding of family dynamics and values.

Perhaps what you see as a family member’s stubbornness is actually a willful spirit that enabled them to get through the challenges and the heartbreak of the war.

Just as family members have their own personalities, quirks, and qualities that make them unique, so do the different prefectures or municipalities of Okinawa.

At the 7th Worldwide Uchinanchu Festival, you are invited to attend your municipality’s village party. Village parties are opportunities to get to know where you came from by interacting firsthand with the people who live there and with the people who are the stewards of the area’s stories, history, and folklore. Plus, there’s always good food and merriment!

Helpful municipality links:




Meet the 2022 Taikai Mascot!


What is Takai?